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Settling Down Page 7

  The door opened, and before he could start with the apologies to Gloria, Poppa stepped through and shut the door.

  “At least you know when you send yourself to your room.” Poppa leaned against the door. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Nuthin’.” Tim could feel himself pout. Damn, was he five again? Poppa just looked at him, not believing that lie for a second. “It’s one of them things you don’t wanna know about, okay?”

  “Miss your boyfriend, huh?”

  Okay, that was one way to put it. Safe. Parental approved. “Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, Poppa, I love that you’re here, but damn, I need him.”

  “Need him?” Poppa came to the desk and pulled out the opposite chair. “That sounds pretty serious.”

  “It’s pretty serious. Or it was before we both had to play host at the same time.”

  One bushy eyebrow rose. “So it ain’t serious now?”

  Tim opened his mouth, then closed it. Finding the words to talk around the real issue was going to be rough. “Not at the level I need. And since I don’t have that, I’ve not been at my best. Stress gets to me more. I can’t relax.”

  “I’ve been trying to get you to go see someone ’bout that….”

  “…and I keep telling you that a shrink ain’t gonna make me not wanna be spanked!”

  “Boy, you better lower your damn voice. I’m right here. Ain’t gotta yell.”

  Dad’s tone, stern, was just what Tim needed to calm just a little. “Sorry, Poppa.”

  “Now hear me out. I’ve been doing a little reading up since you moved away, trying to understand about this thing that makes you tick. And I get it. The whips and chains thing is a part of you. Ain’t no fixing that. But the other stuff, this twitching, this too much focusin’ on stuff, losing your shit when things are off, that might need some looking at. We never understood it when you was little, hell, it was cute sometimes, but now, you know….”

  Tim was ready to, at an appropriate volume, tell his father to fuck off with his concerns. But then he kept listening. His biggest worry was that therapy would be recommended to fix his submission, but the twitch? The twitch was part of him. If he lost that, then what other reason would he have to kneel?

  But Poppa was right. He couldn’t live this way forever.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Like how I’ll think about seeing the doc more than once a year?”

  Tim glared. “You better be seeing her more than once a damn year. I’m not there no more to make those appointments for you, Poppa. You gotta take care of yourself.”

  “Look at you, so concerned about everything else but you. Business looks good, you hired one more person, and you’re with someone. You’ve been here damn long enough to mind your own business for once.”

  Tim rubbed his bare arm. The shakes were just a tremor now.

  “You’re right, you know.” Tim looked up at his father. “I’m sorry for being a brat.”

  “Don’t apologize to me. Go out there and clean up the mess. I’m gonna take my purchases and head back to my room for my own business time.”

  “Gross, Poppa.”

  “Look, boy, I had to read about the docs pulling ginger out of your asshole while worrying whether you’d live or die. You can live with knowing I’m a healthy man who likes to yank it once in a while.”

  Again the man was right. No matter how shudderworthy the truth was.

  “Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  It took a few more moments alone in the office before he felt steady enough to go back to the sales floor. Gloria was behind the counter, and the mess was still there. He quietly started to pick the bottles up, letting the action of setting things to rights try to calm him.

  Gloria, for her part, let him continue in silence, looking down at her hand, probably fooling with her phone since they were at a lull.

  Okay, that worked.

  By the time the bottles were back on the display, he spoke. “I’m sorry, Gloria.”

  She looked up, crossing her arms and shaking her head at him. “I’ll take an extra-long lunch with that apology.”

  “Of course,” Tim added, and the silence after that was deafening. Gloria wasn’t ribbing him. She looked less hurt, sadder. Fucking hell.

  Then she sighed. “Look, Tim, I love you to pieces, and I know this week’s been hard on you….”

  “I shouldn’t take it out on you, Poppa, or the stock, I know.”

  “I’ll be alright, your poppa looked fine, and if something had broken over there, you’d still be bitching about it. Now get over here and let me hug you, and then I’m gonna call Marcus and tell him that I’m coming home for lunch.”

  The hug was as warm as her usual, and Tim thought they would be fine. “Tell him I said hi?”

  She pulled away with a rueful grin. “Maybe. Depends on how busy we get.”

  He rolled his eyes hard enough to hurt. Both their sex lives weren’t off-limit topics. “Just don’t hurt him, okay?”

  “I make no promises.”

  Chapter ELEVEN

  IT WAS a good day to take Mom and Dad to the boardwalk. It was sunny, only a few clouds in the sky. It wasn’t too hot; it wasn’t too windy. And all of the vendors were open, so Dad was showing Mom the new ones that had popped up since their last visit two years ago.

  “We don’t need a hanging chair,” Mom pleaded and sent Jae a stern look when he laughed. “Or a dragon puppet. Jonghyun, where are you going now?”

  Dad was already two booths down, submitting to a hand massage by the surprised young lady manning a lotion booth. Mom sighed. “I knew this was a bad idea. He’s going to run up such a charge on his credit card.”

  “Mom, you’ve been tense all week. Relax.” Jae motioned to the young lady, who was now laughing at something Dad had said. “See, he’s in his element, putting a smile on people’s faces.”

  Mom shook her head. “That’s Jonghyun. You know he’s been doing more meeting and greeting with the customers at the restaurant, getting to know people, not just reviewers. He’s so worn out at the end of a night.”

  “But he loves it. He also gets to come home to you.”

  “Right, while I’m sleeping and he smells of ginger, meat, and fry oil.”

  Her voice was far fonder; she was even smiling a little. Jae knew she loved it. Dad couldn’t have been as successful running his own place without her support and love.

  That sounded so damned good. Support and love. He and Tim had something like that, right?

  Jae’s smile faded a bit, remembering the night before. Not lately. Tim was doing his damndest to maintain, but it was hurting him. Jae spent that drive back to his place lost in thought. It felt as if Tim had pushed him away, but for whose sake? Jae’s? That wasn’t how their dynamic was supposed to work at all. Tim was supposed to be Jae’s responsibility, his care, his security.

  This was more than just a playdate every so often. This was a relationship. And in pretending they were just boyfriends this week, Jae wasn’t doing his part.

  Tim…. His poor pet needed him.

  “Is everything alright?” Mom snapped him out of his thoughts. “You look like a cloud’s passed over your face.”

  Could this be something he could talk to his folks about? Maybe minus the kinky stuff? It was worth a try.

  “What do you really think about Tim?”

  Mom adjusted her glasses, a move he knew was to allow her to think. “He is not what I expected when you told us you were involved with someone.” Another adjustment. “But he is fond of you and treats you well, so I cannot complain. Were you thinking of him?”

  “Yeah. He works his ass off, and was worried about impressing you and Dad. With that and his job, it wears on him.”

  Close enough. Tim was tired, and Jae was worried about him. That was true.

  Mom nodded, then sighed as they watched Dad hand over his credit card to the lotion girl. “He works too hard too, and you know what? Sometimes it take
s me getting in the way to make him take a break. Perhaps that is what Timothy needs? A break?”

  “Technically this is supposed to be his break, since his father is in town.”

  “How does he get around without Tim?”

  Jae wanted to say Raphael didn’t require his son to show him around everywhere, but that would start a conversation he wasn’t ready for. “From what I understand, he’s pretty independent, like his son. Would you two like to get together without us for dinner or something? Exchange embarrassing stories about Tim and me? Get to really know him?”

  Ah, that frown was familiar. “Without you? We’re here to see you, Jae-joon. It doesn’t make sense to go without you. How would we even get to a restaurant?”

  “I have a car you can borrow.”

  “And contacting Mr. Raphael?”

  Jae sighed. It was time; it had been time. He loved his parents and loved their visits, but the “spend time with us all the time” bit had started to chafe sooner than he was willing to admit. He was tired, working late into the night to finish the specs for Transnational. He missed his pet.

  “Think about it, Mom. How do you usually get someone’s number you don’t know?”

  “Jae-joon.” She narrowed her eyes. “Do not get smart with me.”

  “Mom, I’m serious. I can get his number from Tim and send it to you. I need some time with him to touch base, make sure everything’s okay. He’s… he needs me. And I need him.”

  She got up from the bench and shook her head. “It’s only been a week, for crying out loud. Are you two that… codependent?

  Yes, he wanted to shout. They needed each other to exist as a whole. Tim was his pet, his boy, his sweet submissive with a tart aftertaste. He needed that like he’d never realized he needed it before. Without him, Jae was missing what made him feel like a Dominant. Mom could call it “codependent,” but he saw it as it was.


  “I love him,” he said.

  Mom looked over at the shops, and Jae followed her gaze as well. Dad was still visible. “You know, Dad is Dad. But you love him anyway. He needs you. You told me about how your parents didn’t approve of you marrying him.”

  “It’s who he is. They didn’t understand that I could love someone with ADHD. But he worked hard and became a chef, and now….” Mom’s frown deepened. “You’re trying to make what we have sound like what you have.”

  “Because it just might be. How long have you two been apart since you got married?”

  She opened her mouth to respond, then closed it with a snap. “Fine. Give me Mr. Raphael’s number. You two have earned a night off.”

  Jae did a double take. Did those words come out of his mother’s mouth?

  Dad walking back up to them with a little bag interrupted his reaction. “Before you fuss, Sun, these are gifts for the cooks and hand washers in the back. All of that cleaning stuff can be murder on the hands.”

  “Mm-hmm, and the commission to that girl didn’t even cross your mind?” Mom motioned for the bag. “And where’s my gift?”

  “You said we didn’t need a hanging chair.” Dad’s face was full of tease, and Mom’s frown lightened up.

  “Here, Jae, hold this bag while we hunt down something for Sun.”

  Mom was already passing the bag along before Jae could even argue about walking with them. They didn’t need him to tag along. Good.

  He found a bench to sit on while they wandered off, walking close together, like they’d always been his entire life. And suddenly he missed Tim badly enough it nearly took his breath away.

  There was a text message waiting for him when he pulled his phone out, from Tim, about fifteen minutes ago. Why didn’t the damn thing vibrate?

  I swear on my granny’s grave, I’m going to throttle this fucking queen. Haven’t you put him in his place yet?

  The hell?

  You’re not Tim, are you? He sent back.

  The response took a minute. Nope, it’s Gloria. Guess who forget his phone before getting his balls in a twist and storming off to his office.

  How is he?

  I just fucking told you. Bitch is a hot mess. Twitchy, weird, knocking over shit. The only time he looked normal is when the customer showed up.

  Fuck. Jae ran a hand over his hair. Last night really did take its toll on Tim. He didn’t even follow the clear “in case of twitch” instruction Jae gave him.

  He typed quickly. Look, we can’t keep this Max thing a secret anymore. I need to let the LA committee know about him. The truth.

  Tim will kill you. Dead. Then Raphael will piss pure Scotch on your corpse.

  Tim can’t live in this kind of fear and worry forever. He’s my responsibility, so he can “kill” me all he wants. Just don’t tell him, and is Reggie or David’s number on this phone?

  It took several minutes, but Gloria replied with two phone numbers.

  And his dad’s?

  Pushy fucker, aren’t you?

  He snorted. That’s why he was a Dom. Duh.

  Thanks, delete this convo, will you?

  Don’t say I didn’t warn your ass.

  But she did help him. And he had some phone calls to make.

  Chapter TWELVE

  IF ONE more person told him Tim would kill him for what he was attempting to do, Jae might snap.

  While his folks were at home resting for dinner that night with Raphael (they took the initiative and called him), Jae was sitting at a coffee shop with Reggie, waiting.

  “You got any better ideas?” Jae nearly snapped as Reggie repeated what Gloria had texted and David said over the phone. “This is Tim we’re talking about. Doesn’t anyone else care that this is tearing him apart?”

  “Yeah, but.” Reggie looked around and stroked his shaggy chin. “Is revoking Max’s invite the answer?”

  “I’m not even sure if that’s what we need, but people need to know what’s going on. Especially since Max is dangerous.”

  The bell over the coffee shop door rang, and both men rose as a tall, thin black woman with brassy red hair and a dress covered in cherries walked in. She smiled at the two and walked to the table, taking a seat.

  “Mistress Rarity, glad you could meet us this quickly,” Jae said, retaking his seat with Reggie.

  “Outside of the dungeon, I’m Julie, you know that.” She waved her hand. “You said this was important business concerning Leather Aid, and if it’s enough to get Reggie here bothered, then I’m all ears. Well, I’ll be all ears once I get myself a latte, pardon me.”

  Once they were all settled with drinks in front of them, Jae found himself at a loss for words. Where did he even start?

  Reggie spoke up first. “We’ve got a missing stair problem, Jules.”

  “A what?” Jae asked.

  Rarity leaned back in her chair and arched a perfectly manicured eyebrow. “Someone we know is a problem but doesn’t get mentioned in public because it’s ‘less drama’ to keep the peace. Our last schism was around naming the sons of bitches five years ago. Is this a local person?”

  Jae shook his head. “No, someone who we’ve invited to the ball. Max Fielding.”

  Okay, he said the name, no going back now. Reggie glanced his way but nodded and added, “Concerning Jae’s pet. They have a history.”

  “Alright, gents, I’m listening. What’s going on?”

  Together Reggie and Jae shared the duty of telling the story of Tim’s near-death play session with the man and the backlash and the threat of a lawsuit that hung over Tim’s head.

  “…and that’s why he moved across the country,” Reggie said, then picked up his coffee.

  Jae took that as his cue to add more. “You can understand that knowing Max will be there hasn’t been easy on Tim. Max has even threated to sue if he can prove that Tim’s been talking online. He’s not involved with any of the Leather Aid forums, not on Fetlife, hell, I think he barely checks his e-mail.”

  “Oh, this is a pickle indeed.” Rarity cocked her head
to the side. “Mr. Fielding sounds like he holds some strange beliefs about how consent works. He isn’t the first I’ve heard of who mistakes ‘boundary testing’ for ‘boundary disregarding.’ However, disinviting him right before the party could be problematic because he’d guess it was all Tim’s doing.”

  “Yeah.” Jae knew the solution wasn’t going to be that simple.

  “But now that I know, and I’m going to be having a gander at some of those ‘do not play’ lists myself, this is bigger than Tim, sweet boy that he is.” Rarity paused for a moment. “I’ve heard of Max being big on pushing boundaries, but nothing like this. I would rather not have any of our subs in contact with such a person. Our community has been great with keeping abusers at bay.”

  That was true. Any group was going to have its drama, and the concept of a “missing stair,” still new to Jae, made perfect sense in some of the circles he’d heard of.

  “Here’s something we can do. Tim’s running his booth most of the night, yes?”

  “Well, his assistant is coming along so he can have a break or two,” Jae replied. No way they were attending a party without having a dance or two or five.

  “Good. Then here’s what I suggest. You, all of you close to him, keep an eye on him. Max has no reason to speak to him, right? And as for our subs, I’ll have my girl send a message to the sub board warning them of this man.”

  “No,” Reggie said quickly. “Not by name.”

  “But how are they supposed to know who to look out for?” Jae fought to keep the annoyance out of his voice. Keeping Tim safe was his top priority, but he was concerned for the local subs. Max didn’t deserve their attention either.

  Even Rarity looked frustrated. “You’re asking me to protect the name of a known abuser?”

  “So Tim doesn’t get his ass sued,” Reggie insisted.

  “But there will be no mention of his name by Tim online. Isn’t that the point of the restraining order?” Rarity pulled her phone out of her purse. “That damn order can’t stop Tim from speaking out, and he didn’t. You two did. We need to keep all of our submissives safe.”